Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Presentation WORK DAY LAST 1 5/10/17

Final #PVhasPassion TED-Talk-STYLE Presentation 

Objective: Create a presentation based on the PROCESS of working through your #PVhasPassion Project. 

Bellwork: Write down the objective. COMPLETE THE BELLWORK HERE : 

your MISSION:You will have the next 2 days to complete a TED-Style Presentation about the PROCESS you went through for your #PVhasPassion project. 

For your iNFORMATIOn: 
1. Review 1 or more of the TED talks EXAMPLES. Your presentation will need to be similar but different. 
2. READ the PRESENTATION rubric and guidelines HERECLICK RIGHT ON THIS  or if you want more info CLICK HERE
3.  Work on your presentations. 

Monday, May 8, 2017

Presentation work DAY 2 5/9

Final #PVhasPassion TED-Talk-STYLE Presentation 

Objective: Create a presentation based on the PROCESS of working through your #PVhasPassion Project. 

Bellwork: Write down the objective. COMPLETE THE BELLWORK HERE : 

your MISSION:You will have the next 2 days to complete a TED-Style Presentation about the PROCESS you went through for your #PVhasPassion project. 

For your iNFORMATIOn: 
1. Review 1 or more of the TED talks EXAMPLES. Your presentation will need to be similar but different. 
3.  Work on your presentations. 


Sunday, May 7, 2017


Final #PVhasPassion TED-Talk-STYLE Presentation 

Objective: Create a presentation based on the PROCESS of working through your #PVhasPassion Project. 

Bellwork: Write down the objective. COMPLETE THE BELLWORK HERE : 

your MISSION: 

Image result for presentation meme
Image result for presentation memeImage result for presentation meme
Image result for presentation meme

You will have the next 3 days to complete a TED-Style Presentation about the PROCESS you went through for your #PVhasPassion project. 

For your iNFORMATIOn: 
1. Review 1 or more of the TED talks EXAMPLES. Your presentation will need to be similar but different. 
3.  Work on your presentations. 


Tuesday, May 2, 2017

May 3, 2017 -- Formal Reflection

MAY 3, 2017.

Objective: Complete your #PVhasPassion Formal Reflection ESSAY.


1. Write your FORMAL REFLECTION ESSAY based on THE PROCESS of your project. Use the following link to review the requirements: Formal Reflection ESSAY.

2. Post your FORMAL reflection on a STATIC PAGE on your BLOG. Make sure you hit VIEW BLOG to see if it posts correctly. If you need help, come ask for help!
Image result for stressed out meme

NOTE: This is considered an in-class essay and is due at the end of class today. IF YOU NEED extra time you need to work diligently and for the ENTIRE 45 minutes, and then see me.

3. Review the #PVhasPassion Checklist for information. I will provide you with a copy soon. This must be turned in when you present next week.

4. Read the PRESENTATION information HERE Handout links Click on the link that says:

CLICK HERE FOR Presentation Info

5. CoMpLeTe the ClOsUrE BeLoW

Sunday, April 30, 2017

FINAL BLOG POST & Begin writing your Formal Reflection

The Agenda & Assignment 5/1/17

Welcome to your last MONTH as High School Students!! You are AWESOME!! 

Write a final blog post and begin writing your final reflection for your #PVhasPassion!

BELLWORK: Write down the objective. What are your thoughts on the PVhasPassion Project?  CLICK HERE 

Today's Assignments

1. Review the Blog post requirements BELOW: YOU SHOULD HAVE 8
  • Post/Blog Page: Must be updated once a week with reflections/news about the project.
    • 3 SUBSTANTIAL PARAGRAPHS each week with a post title
      • Demonstrate reflection on the progress being made on product.
      • What were your questions for this week? What was learned as the questions were answered?
      • What kinds of things inspired you online this week?
      • Includes a significant reflection on how the selected book is helping to guide learning. Incorporates specific details, examples, and quotations from the mentor text.
      • Notes plans and questions for the next week.
      • Contains a related image that is posted without infringing on anyone’s copyright
      • MLA formatted in-text citations and MLA formatted works cited at end of the post

2. HERE IS A LIST OF THINGS YOU SHOULD HAVE FINISHED by now (5/1). These should also be view-able on your BLOG WEBSITE as 5 Static Pages/Tabs

    1. Written Proposal & Project Pitch.
    2. Interview Audio/Video & Reflection.
    3. An Annotated Works Cited page in MLA format. Cites all sources (mentor book, 6+ websites, interview).
    4. Evidence of Completion of Product.

3. Once ALL OF YOUR blogs (8-11) are posted and the above is complete. YOU MAY BEGIN the Formal Reflection ESSAY, due WED. We WILL Be working on this INCLASS on Wednesday 3/3!!

Image result for Reflection meme

4. Complete the CLOSURE below 

Sunday, April 23, 2017

Pitch EVALS Monday or Tuesday 4/24 or 4/25

Pitch Evaluations & Begin your annotated Bibliography

Objective: Evaluate another student's pitch in order to get feedback, and complete your annotated bibliography.

Bellwork: Write down the objective. What is a bibliography?

1. Complete a pitch evaluation form for 1 other student. You must get their blog url directly from them! 
2. Complete  your Annotated bibliography. (If you need help search google: Annotated Bibliography).
3. Catch up and write all of your blogs (Especially Today's) You Should have about 9 today. :)  

4. Review/READ  the due dates below.


Annotated Works Cited Due

Final Blog post + Begin Final Forma Project Reflection….

Product Completed and Evidence Posted, Formal Project Reflection

Week of 5/8
Final Presentations --- 
NOTE: Presentations will be on May 10th and 11th!!! SIgn up sheet to come:) 

4. Complete the closure CLICK RIGHT HERE