Questions & Answers

Q. Are we just discussing what our project is and what the point of it was?
A. "In a TED-style talk, students will reflect on what they learned during their research process." See page 3 for a bulleted list of expectations. There are some guiding questions on page 11.

Q. What type of presentation do we need 
A. You can use PPT, Google Slides, Prezi,etc. You can email me the power point ahead of time and I can make it so you can use the features of the activ board.

Q. Do we get a cool earpiece mic to use. Will we have access to a powerpoint like they do. Is there a limit to how long the talk can go. Are there limitations to what we can say or do?
A. We wrote a grant to get a set of earpiece mics, and will probably present in the Cyber Cafe, or the Little Theater. Location is still TBD. "Speeches will be approximately five minutes." (WIP: See page 3 for a list of expectations and page 11 for guiding questions.) As long as you are meeting expectations and whatever you plan is school appropriate, you should be fine. If you are worried, come see me.

Q. Are we able to do our final presentation with a partner?
A. No. However, if you get approval from Mrs. Walker FIRST you may have a "helper". 

Q. How I am going to make a good TED talk.
A. See the hints from last week. Also watch several more examples of TED talks. You need to create your presentation and then rehearse what you are going to say.

Q. The only question I have about my final presentation is how we are going to inspire more people to form part of our project. 
A. That will be a question you need to answer. What do you think will work to get your viewers engaged?

Q. Do I have to show physical products, or examples?
A. If your project revolved around a physical product, you can bring it. Your presentation should definitely have photos of the process and the product.

Q. Will it be required to have the project fully finish before speaking about it?
A. You will hopefully be done with your project, but remember that what I am grading is the quality of your progress, reflections, problem-solving, etc. So if your project is not complete, you need to reflect on why it is not done and what you learned from the process in your presentation.

Q. How long do we have to present? Do we need to bring in props?
A.. "Speeches will be approximately five minutes." As to props, if you think it will help to demonstrate your learning, go for it. (I've seen one 20TimeProject where the student completed a project about clothing banks and everything she wore to the presentation was purchased second-hand.)

(NOTE : Thank you, Mrs. Newman for all the Q & A's!)
If you have other questions, please add them in the comments below.

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