Blogging HELP

Adding Pages to Your Blog

One of the pages you should be adding to your blog is for your proposal (both the Written Proposal and Elevator Pitch). You will need to decide what the other three pages will be.

To add pages to your blog, see the instructions here. Note that there are multiple steps.

For your Elevator Pitch, you may use a cell phone to record yourself (or have someone else hold the phone - my arm would get tired). Once you have done that, if you've downloaded the Blogger App, you can then insert the video directly to your proposal page from your phone

Blogging Newbies

If you are a blogging newbie, please consider using Blogger for your blog. Since it integrates with Gmail, you will only have to remember one password! This blog is set up using that system, so Mrs. Walker or Mrs. Newman can help you set up yours!

If you need some help getting started, here is the "Official Getting Started Guide" from Google.

Remember to check your information packet about the requirements for the blog and the blog planning sheet.

Also remember that while your blog is public, you can take precautions when it comes to your identity.

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