Weekly reflection EXAMPLE

Blog post

Date: 3/9/16

   I am working on setting up my poetry blog. I am hoping that if I set it up, I will actually accomplish writing something. But this remains a hope. This week I did get the design of the blog set up. It is pink. It doesn't have any static pages yet. I think I will have a poetry page, an idea page, and a possible longer writing page. I have 2 ideas floating around in my head regarding poems. The first one is titled "38 things you do for me". (I hope to have this one done by the end of school. But in order to do that I need to make sure it is done by the end of April as May gets crazy.)  The second one is based on a news article I saw a while ago. I am sad that they won't be preserved and are being "removed" for a bridge. But such is progress. I am fascinated by this idea. Here is the link: Tucson footprints so old.
ancient Footprint-- Who was this person? 

   Alas it is a good start and I must realize the reasons it is not farther along. First, I am working to get all of my students' work graded as grades for the end of the quarter come out next week. I am working on planning a unit for the juniors around the novel Snow Falling on Cedars, while trying to understand our district's standards and how to adjust them. I am working on trying to keep my Seniors on track and motivated. We just finished the novel 1984 and will complete the summative next week. And I am trying to plan the graduation speech unit in such a way that students who wish to can audition to speak at graduation, and I'm still waiting on the schedule for the testing week after spring break. My creative writing class is just starting to write their scripts and they are panicky because I am not letting them freewrite the scripts, taking it step by step. I am also working on next quarter's ideas: Short stories or The Hobbit, writing basics or hero's journey? And the icing on this busy cake is my family.  Next week I hope to have at least one poem written. I will also evaluate whether or not to upload an already written poem. 
1984 Oceania/BB Slogans

Blog Post aka "Weekly Reflection"


Another week has passed and I still did not write! Arg! This poetry book will not happen unless I set aside time. I wish there was a way to record the poems directly from my head. I did, however, come up with a theme for the "book". I thought about making it semi-autobiographical. Which is confusing. Let me explain. I think this "book" and the poetry within it should follow the natural progression of my life. For instance, it might have sections divided into age groups, or for me it might be divided into moving events. This idea would allow me to include poetry written during my college years as well. And I know that some of them deal with being a new mom, and recent stuff would deal with being an "old" but new mom. HA!

Things that have kept me from completing my project this week. Grades are due this week, so I have a lot of students playing catch-up which takes time but to me is worth it. This past weekend I attended the Tucson Fesitival of Books, which was the best one in the last few years. More stuff to do for the kids and the weather was great. I'm busy trying to decide how to teach and use the novel I mentioned last week, and I'm still deciding between the Hero's Journey and short stories for one class. I am super excited about next quarter with the seniors! GRADUATION SPEECHES!! WHOOOHOO! It is a super awesome unit. Plus we will be moving into finishing up the #PVhasPassion projects as well. And there are softball games! And Free comic book DAY!! And Graduation and an 8th grade promotion to look forward to.

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