Saturday, April 8, 2017

PVhasPassion RETURNS

return of the jedi -             FEAR NOT                FOR I HAVE RETURNED Misc

PVhasPassion RETURNS

OBjective: Evaluate your interview in order to write a reflection.
Bellwork:  Write down the objective. Make a list of things you have completed regarding your project and product. What did you learn from your interview? 

CLasswork/ Assignment:

1. Using the feedback from the interview, the student posted a two page (minimum of four paragraph) reflection on the interview and information. Include a Works Cited page.

2. Supporting information (video or audio recording) to YOUR project blog. (on THE SAME PAGE as your interview questions.

3. Review the due dates below. 
Interview Reflections and BLOG check should have 6-7 Reflection Posts

Blog Grade
Pitch Evals and Blog Post #8

Annotated Works Cited Due

Final Blog post + Begin Final Forma Project Reflection….

Product Completed and Evidence Posted, Formal Project Reflection

Week of 5/8
Final Presentations

4. Complete the Closure below

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