Sunday, February 19, 2017

February 20, 2017 Project Research


Image result for research meme
Create questions about your project in order to begin research.  

Write down the objective. What 2 things have you thought about your project this week?  What are 2 potential challenges you have completing your  project?

Today's Assignment

1. Complete your elevator pitch and post to your Written Proposal and Elevator Pitch Blog PAGE.

Important: remember that your Written Proposal Must be approved before you can complete elements of your project

2. Write 5 questions you have about your project. Complete research using the internet in order to answer these questions.

3. Post your Blog reflection #2

4. After -your research, complete a blog post about your project and about your product. The Reflection posts should follow the following format:
  • 2 SUBSTANTIAL PARAGRAPHS with a post title 
  • What were your questions for this week? What was learned as the questions were answered? 
  • What kinds of things inspired you online this week? 
  • Includes a significant reflection on the information you found during your research. 
  • Notes plans and questions for next week and your project and product. 
  • Include a related image posted without infringing on anyone’s copyright. 
  • MLA formatted in-text citations and MLA formatted works cited at end of the post. 

5. Complete the CLOSURE here! 

Image result for research meme

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